Help for Other Professionals
We are aware that dealing with Investigations is a specialist area and not all accountants have the experience or maybe the resources to deal with Investigations.
Perhaps you are new to the industry or just do not have the time ?
Investigations are often time consuming and will be a distraction to other accounting commitments. Loucas offer professional service, which is aimed at helping you find a satisfactory outcome for your client.
We can either work directly for the client or assist you to deal with the investigation in the best possible fashion.
We understand and respect that the client is yours and give you an undertaking that at no time would we endeavour to do anything to jeopardise this.
We are happy to act on a consultancy basis which may include
- Reviewing correspondence
- Help preparing for meetings
- Draft responses
For a no obligation consultation please phone Athos Louca on 01622 758257 or email