Individual Services


Trusts can be a valuable tool for mitigating tax liabilities and also protecting the family’s wealth.

The tax legislation regarding trusts is complex and has undergone significant changes in recent years. Loucas ensure that clients are kept fully up to date with changes that may affect them and regularly appraise whether their current trust arrangements remain suitable.

Loucas provide a full tax compliance service including the registration of new trusts with HM Revenue and Customs, preparation of IHT forms and the annual Self-Assessment Tax Return.

Trust Accounts

As well as ensuring that a trust’s tax requirements are complied with on a timely basis, trustees are required to keep clear and accurate accounts of the dealings of the trust, something which is often overlooked.

Loucas recommend that Accounts are prepared on a regular basis in order that trustees discharge their statutory responsibilities.

For more information regarding our trust services or if would like an informal chat please contact Stuart Shaw on 01622 758257 or via e-mail

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